** PLEASE NOTE: we are working on re-organizing our contacts; if you no longer wish to receive emails from the Women's Centre, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can remove you from our mailing list. This is to avoid any further inconveniences for previous recipients. Also, if you wish to be removed from the mailing list but would still like to be notified of events, let us know as soon as possible. It may take a week for the change to be effected. Thank you for your cooperation. **

*Also note that NEW meeting times for the 2012 semester will now be on Tuesdays from 12:30pm - 1:30pm.*

Nipissing University Women's Centre Minutes

Bathtub Project
- due to scheduling conflicts, the event will be running from March 19th to March 30th
- however we will still be accepting donations this week in front of our office at A244a
- posters
- we still need volunteers to help us drive the donations to their respective shelters, please contact us asap
- contacted: grocery stores, pharmacies
   - need to be contacted: downtown businesses, mall stores, dentists, more pharmacies, metro(grocery store),

End of the Year Party (March 30th)
- dinner will take place @ Cecil's
- dinner will start at 6:00pm
- please RSVP by the 23rd if you are sure you will be attending

White Ribbon Campaign (April 2nd & April 3rd)
- a table needs to be reserved
- a Doodle will be set up for table hours
- monetary donations will be accepted at the table, and donors will receive a painted ribbon on their hand(?)

Next Year's Elections
- nominations will be accepted until March 23rd
  - current nominees: Will, Morgan, Meagan, Blair, Molly, and Karlie
- voting: you must be affiliated with the Women's Centre in order to vote
- due to discrepancies in previous years, we will not be accepting electronic votes and notification for the voting period WILL be stated in advance
- voting to take place during the week of March 26th
- student numbers will be recorded to keep track of those who have already voted
- voting times:
   - Monday: 12pm - 3pm
   - Tuesday: 12pm - 2pm
   - Wednesday: 12pm - 3pm
   - Thursday: 12pm - 3pm
   - Friday: 10am - 2pm

Renaming of the Women's Centre
- we are considering renaming the centre
- we will be consulting with the gender department and the school about the renaming to make sure that it is permissible
- possible names include: Gender Equality (and Social Justice) Centre
- make sure to cover all gender issues, but that women's issues do not fall by the wayside
- events will be the same(?)
- suggestions are being accepted

Prom Dresses
- provides dresses for underprivileged girls attending their prom
- accepting donations: dresses, accessories
- date to be announced

Any suggestions/ideas for upcoming events or otherwise are always welcome :)
5/30/2012 12:15:12 pm

good one info dude


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